Happy New Year to all! The pic above are of my daughter marching in the Mummers Parade here in Philly, PA. For those who may have never heard of this parade it is very popular and pretty well know to most in our area. It was started about 104 years ago and consists of originally men dressing up and dancing with string bands. Then they added floats and elaborate costumes with sequins, shiney fabrics, feathers and anything else to make fantastic scenery. They march thru just about half of the city and end up in my neighborhood. The official parade is never as much fun as the unofficial one that goes on down on second street in South Philly. There are tons of people, lots of booze, and they perform for us once they get there. Lots of wishing Happy New Year also kissing and hugging people you don't know to wish them a great year. The second pic above is my husband pointing out my daughter. We watched for her on t.v. so I took pics of it to show it all off. Maybe you'll see me there next year! They asked me to join but I think I would rather stay behind the scenes and help with the costumes and floats. I'm much better with a hot glue gun and sewing needle than I am strutting in the freezing cold.
You can read more about the mummers here: http://www.mummers.com/ if you look you will see that in the fancies division Golden Sunrise won.....that is the group my daughter was in WooHoo. I will also tell you that Fralinger and Quaker City are my two favorite stringbands and they first and second. In the Fancy Brigade the Vikings won and when I tell you they give a great show WOW! I watched them on t.v. (they don't march outside anymore because of the great cost in the costumes and the money won doesn't cover the cost, most of us still feel robbed that we would have to pay to see them in person or stay home and watch them on t.v. but it is still a big debate/arguement about tradition there.) Go find out about a great and fun tradition that we attend every year here! You might just want to show up next year to join in the fun. All are welcome to join me since we go party at a friend's house that is located just a 1/2 block from where they march down to! Leave comments on what you think.
That is so cool! Thanks for sharing.
I bow my head in shame,I didn't watch any of our local parades.
That is so great that your daughter was in the parade. What an honor.
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