Thursday, November 12, 2009

A quick finish - Design by Oakhaven

This is a design by Tonia of Oakhaven Designs (you can look her up on yahoo groups). This is called Fall 2. I stitched it on 14ct charcoal aida then added the acorn put it in the tuck pillow then added the leaf buttons. I think it turned out pretty cute. Thanks for the freebie Tonia!


Mzplcdokie said...

It looks wonderful! Love the additions you made.

wot said...

You've had a lot of finishes recently! Congratulations, keep on stitching!

Anonymous said...

Love the tucks you stitched and the embellishments really make them pop. Also love your Hob Nobbs. I just won one the Santa Hob Nobb on ebay & am anxious to get it. Keep up the smoking needles. Love to see all your work.
Barb in TX

Meari said...

Congrats on finishing both the Oakhaven and model. That bird is sooo cute!